no 3

rebirth summer woman retreat

August 30 to September 5,

Ibiza Spain

Registration ongoing



Every minute, about 150 ​new souls are born, and ​each birth is unique.

The Rebirth Retreat was founded in 2023 by Kristina Junker and Micaela Preguerman and is now entering its third round ​at the end of the main season in 2024 in Ibiza. As the name suggests, this special retreat represents rebirth and deep ​transformation.

The third Rebirth Retreat, soon to be held again in Ibiza, is once again exclusively for women and focuses on womb ​healing, connecting with the feminine cycle, and unfolding your primal feminine design. It’s not just an ordinary day —

it could be the day in your life when you decide to go deeper for profound change.

The Rebirth Retreat is about connecting in a safe space lovingly created by the retreat hosts. It’s about reconnecting ​with your divine power and femininity, your ancestors, and future generations leading us into the upcoming golden age.

This retreat offers you a unique opportunity to unfold and heal within a protected circle of women. With great dedication ​and wisdom, Kristina and Micaela have created a space where you can feel safe and discover your true essence. Amidst ​the magical landscape of Ibiza, you will dive deep into your inner self and connect with your spiritual power.

And so is every

Rebirth Retreat.

True love should not silence you,

it gives your voice a home.

Participation in this retreat means becoming part of a larger movement—

towards more awareness, healing, and femininity. You'll learn techniques and ​rituals to infuse your daily life with mindfulness and self-love.

Look forward to a transformative journey that not only helps heal old wounds but ​also offers new perspectives and a deeper connection to yourself and the ​community. The Rebirth Retreat marks the beginning of your journey towards a ​more fulfilling and conscious life, supported by the strength and wisdom of the ​women sharing this path with you.

Join us and experience the magic of the Rebirth Retreat in Ibiza — a journey of ​self - discovery and renewal that will help you realize your full potential and see ​your life in a new light.

A transformation that not only touches ​your heart and soul but also creates a ​deep primal trust in your roots.

The magic of Ibiza!

“Don´t move the way fear makes you move.

Move the way love makes you move.”

Ibiza is the home of spirituality. Located in the heart of this mystical ​island, a magical finca offers you the chance to enjoy the beauty ​and tranquility of nature.

Surrounded by lush greenery, animal farms, and fragrant flora, you ​will feel the soothing breeze and the warmth of the sun on your skin, ​waking up to the sounds of nature and birds. At night, you can ​observe the clear sky from the saltwater pool overlooking the ​gentle pine hills or the rooftop of the house. There is no stronger ​power spot for your realignment and desires.

Each accommodation in our retreat space is themed and a private ​oasis for 2 to a maximum of 4 people (The Fig Room, Pool House, ​Sunset Casita, Galeria Blue & Surya Loft). Each oasis has a spacious ​private bathroom and Wi-Fi - however, we recommend you take a ​digital detox this week. The finca is guarded by two loving dogs and ​cohabited by mystical cats.

The space holders,

your yoga teachers and mentors

for this special week.

Micaela Preguerman Based in Ibiza &

certified E-RYT 500 Yoga instructor, coach, a

nd family constellation facilitator

Kristina Junker Based in Dubai &

licensed founder of KIJU YOGA School and

holistic yoga teacher trainer.

one Week Rebirth

drop the story,

find the feeling.

During the retreat, you will learn new spiritual practices to deepen your femininity and ​intuition. These practices will help you integrate more mindfulness and awareness into your ​daily life and nurture a deeper connection with your inner self. The transformative power of ​this week will enable you to let go of old patterns and gain new perspectives.

Look forward to a transformative week where you will rediscover yourself and form deep ​connections. In the loving and safe environment of this retreat, you can let go and find access ​to your authentic femininity and intuition. This journey will help you unfold your true potential ​and walk your spiritual path with new clarity and strength.

Not only can you admire the starry sky from the rooftop terrace, but in the magic of this ​place, you can also find answers to your current life and relationship questions. Micaela is the ​guardian of the retreat space, a place accessible only to selected people. You will feel this ​uniqueness and security in every cell of your body from your first step onto this property. On ​the expansive grounds, you can ground yourself and connect with nature, receive information ​from your spirit guides, and strengthen your connection to yourself and your intuition.

If you're up for an adventure, there are numerous beautiful running trails through the ​surrounding forests that lead you into town. From the finca, you can reach Santa Gertrudis, a ​nearby town in Ibicenco, where you can stroll through charming restaurants, local eateries, ​cafes, shops, and bars.

Your retreat space offers you private and secure accommodation, a secret refuge to ​disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with yourself and ​nature.

Phenomenologies of the Rebirth Retreat No. 3

Sacred Woman Teachings

You will be guided through energetic meditations, ​workshops with guest teachers, and theoretical ​lessons with Kristina and Mica using secret ​teachings of ancient femininity codes. This will ​help you unfold your gentle womanhood, learn to ​communicate effectively with the masculine, and ​connect with your womb and cycle.

Facilitated by

Kristina & Micaela

Kundalini Awakeing

& Bhakti Yoga

You will come into contact with the strongest ​universal force within and around you, ​understanding how to utilize it in your daily life ​for your benefit. Powerful Kundalini ​techniques await you, lovingly combined with ​tools from Bhakti Yoga -

the path of love.

Fa​cilitated​ by


Family Constellation & ​Ancestral Healing

Each participant has the chance to dive into ​the power of their own family constellation ​with the group and experience this ​phenomenology live. This will allow you to ​dissolve intergenerational karmic structures ​and release blockages in your subtle body.

Facilitated by


Become the woman you would ask

to mentor your daughter

Our promise to you is that you can let go of your past and unfold your true self in a loving and supportive family atmosphere. ​During the retreat, you will be accompanied by two experienced and qualified teachers who create a safe space for you to ​accept and express all your emotions. This week of deep sisterhood and community will allow you to grow in ways that are ​hardly possible alone or at home.

At the heart of this retreat is the discovery and exploration of your femininity. You will get to know your female body and ​inner strength in new and profound ways.

Kristina and Micaela, who have been walking the path of yoga and spiritual development together for many years, are ​described by their students as authentic, inspiring, and warm-hearted women. Their deep bond and close connection are ​immediately noticeable, and you will feel comfortable in their presence from the start. Through their long shared journey, ​they have developed a unique bond that creates a supportive and nurturing environment for all participants.

True love is living your own truth

in every moment and thereby

enabling the highest spiritual growth

for all women.

A healing program for the soul, ​nourishing food for your body.

Reconnecting through all your senses will help you create a healthy foundation in your soul ​garden for your dreams. You will leave the Rebirth Retreat with regenerated and healthier cells​—a nourished body, clear mind, and abundant ideas to embark on your new life chapter with ​your new self.

Through our senses, we absorb information and impressions from the outside world. Every ​impulse that enters our system influences our personality and life. We become the energy we ​consume.

We understand that the food we provide our bodies is not only fuel but also the strength for ​our soul. Therefore, our highest priority is to support your body and mind during your journey ​and inner processes. Enjoy freshly prepared, nutrient- and vitamin-rich dishes that energize ​you during your Rebirth.

Our experienced vegan and vegetarian gourmet chefs will pamper you daily with three magical ​meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Each dish is carefully prepared using only fresh, organic ​ingredients. The meals are designed to provide a perfect balance of nutrients to support your ​inner processes, increase your energy level, and elevate your frequency. This not only ​promotes your health and cleanses your body from within but also supports your integration ​process during Rebirth.

In addition to the delicious main meals, you have access to a permanent tea, water, and snack station ​where you can help yourself throughout the day.

We experience the world through our senses. What does enjoyment mean to you? With our lovingly ​prepared dishes, we aim to connect you more deeply with your sense of pleasure, femininity, and ​creativity. Through transformative eating and nourishment, we want to help you discover a deeper ​connection with yourself and the joys of life.

Imagine starting your day with a colorful breakfast, not only delicious but also full of vital nutrients ​nourishing your body. At lunchtime, a creative and soothing meal awaits you, providing energy for the ​rest of the day. In the evening, a harmonious dinner rounds off your day, preparing you for a restful ​night and supporting your inner transformation.

Our culinary creations are not only a feast for your palate but also an integral part of your retreat ​experience. They contribute to making you feel completely comfortable and nourished so that you can ​fully focus on your personal journey.

Come and let us take you on a culinary journey that goes far beyond mere eating—a journey that ​invigorates your senses and nourishes your soul.

Special Guests & ​Surprises

Each Rebirth is unique. Every soul that ​contributes to this place becomes part of a ​significant universal change.

During this week, you will get to know Kristina ​and Micaela, as well as other island experts who ​are already waiting to bring you magical ​surprises.

Femininity means trust, femininity means ​relinquishing control and leadership, and ​surrendering to the unknown.

The Rebirth: A space where your hand is ​held, all parts of you are welcomed, and ​you are accepted and seen as you are.

"We need a society that respects and includes the pure feminine."

The Rebirth Retreat is a safe haven for women, where past and future come together to a ​present moment, and transformation is not just a goal but a way of life.

Our mission is to guide you on a journey of rebirth, inspiring you to gracefully bridge the gap ​between what was and what will be. Kristina and Micaela aim to foster a community of women, ​each in a unique life phase, coming together to support, empower, and uplift one another.

Our vision is centered on renewal, where each woman can embrace her new self, finding ​strength, vision, and connection in the process. With our shared wisdom and experience, we ​are here to nurture your growth and help you discover the beauty in your own evolution.

Reconnecting you with the woman within and your intuition, in a circle that longes for ease, joy, ​new life, and memories.

“resentful, tired or overworked women

cannot lead a holy union

to the glory.

Become playful, relaxed

and more feminine”.

Together towards inner renewal.

The Sacred Woman Teachings are a powerful tool to reconnect with universal feminine energy, honoring all aspects of ​womanhood — from the warrior walking her path to the wise elder exuding wisdom and clarity. You will learn to recognize ​and use these facets to enrich and transform your life.

Embracing the Feminine Design fosters a deeper connection to your body, mind, and soul. You'll learn techniques to restore ​inner balance and harmony, helping you fully express your gifts and talents.

At the Rebirth Retreat, you will remember your true potential, inner woman, and gifts meant to be lived in this world. ​Strengthened self-trust will enable you to integrate these abilities into daily life. Supported by Kristina, Micaela, and other ​spiritual teachers, you'll navigate this journey with clarity and courage.

Join us on this transformative path to create a brighter and more connected future. In a world increasingly seeking healing ​and connection, your unique feminine energy is an indispensable contribution. Together, we'll celebrate the power and ​beauty of your inner femininity, ushering in a new era of awareness and community.

Discover the woman within and awaken the divine feminine energy in all its facets. The Rebirth Retreat is the place to find ​the strength and knowledge to live your true essence and experience profound transformation.

Discover how participants describe Rebirth:

Through the Rebirth Retreat, I learned ​that it's essential to confront my ​shadow sides and past to make the ​present moment relaxed and full of ​love. My biggest realization was that ​self-love and acceptance, both among ​women and towards oneself, are the ​keys to achieving wonders together.

Anette Hüffer,

writer f​rom Ib​iza

I am deeply grateful for this experience. ​The magic I experienced before, during, ​and after the retreat is hard to put into ​words. Kristina and Micaela are wonderful ​teachers and hosts. After arriving, I didn't ​have to worry about anything and could ​fully focus on the spiritual experience and ​my healing processes.

Constanze Gabriel, 31.

from Ge​rmany

The retreat was the most powerful ​transformative experience I've had so ​far. The space was held so healingly in ​sisterhood that I could dive passionately ​into the magical processes. Thank you, ​Mica and Kristina.

Evdokia Almanidis 2​0., from Germ​any

One Day or Day One - Your Choice

You feel the Calling? Ibiza is the answer.


To gain access to the retreat program, your meal package, and your accommodation in the magical finca in Ibiza, we warmly invite you to have a personal introductory ​conversation with us. If we haven't met yet or if it's your first time joining us in Ibiza, this step is crucial. Since we work energetically and ensure a loving and safe ​atmosphere, it's important for us to know each participant personally. This conversation will take place openly and informally via Zoom.

During the introductory conversation, we can answer all your questions and provide a comprehensive overview of the retreat. We want to ensure that every participant ​feels comfortable and secure, which is why we place great value on this personal connection.

Our retreat is exclusive and takes place in an intimate women's circle to create a safe space for each participant.

Therefore, there is no general "registration button for everyone."

Registration is done personally through Kristina and Micaela to ensure we provide the right safe space for all participants.

it will be an intimate container with a maximum of 8 women.

We look forward to meeting you and experiencing a transformative and magical time with you in Ibiza.

Energy Exchange for a Week All-Inclusive Rebirth Retreat

Rebirth Repeater: €2,777

Regular Registration Price: €3,333

New: Karma Soulsister Package for Two (limited):

In Total: €4444

Discover the Benefits

Awaiting You at the Rebirth Retreat


  • 7-Day Stay: In the magical finca with a saltwater pool
  • (extra nights optional).
  • Shared Accommodation: Comfortable shared oases.
  • Yoga Shala Access: For daily practices.
  • Comprehensive Program: 7 days & 6 nights of activities.
  • Full Board: 3 freshly cooked vegan/vegetarian meals per day.
  • Snacks: Two tea breaks with fresh snacks daily.
  • 24/7 Tea & Water Station
  • End Cleaning Fee
  • Ceremonies: Opening and alignment ceremonies.
  • Spiritual Education: 7-day program.
  • Personal Guidance: From Kristina & Micaela.
  • Workshops/Dynamics/Ceremonies

  • Family Constellation Sessions
  • Inner Child Journeys
  • Shamanic Blessing and Alignment
  • Energetic Work: Dissolving karmic structures in various ​dynamics.
  • Cacao Ceremony and Women's Circles
  • Sacred Woman Teachings
  • Kundalini Awakening Workshop
  • Support for Shadow and Inner Work
  • Dynamics to Dissolve Negative Beliefs
  • Yoga, Meditation, and Breathwork
  • Deep Relaxation Exercises: For integration of your ​experience.

Sign up now

& Rebirth

Kontaktiere Kristina


‭+49 152 06808008

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Contact Mica


‭+34 654 989 295

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